Sunday, January 23, 2011

Book Review : Oliver Twist

While driving the 396 hours from Philadelphia to Texas (exaggeration), my Mom and I decided to start off the new year right- by her reading aloud to me a classic novel. It's one that I'd heard of and been interested in for years, but had never bothered to pick up and actually READ, Charles Dickens's "Oliver Twist." So as we were pulling onto our first major highway, Mom got out her Kindle and downloaded the whole book in about 2 seconds. It was pretty neat and she giggled with delight about how modern she's becoming.

This novel will go towards my completion of the Mini Book Challenge hosted by blogger Lazy Girl Reads. (See post on 12/9.) "Oliver Twist" will be my Something Old.

So. Did I like it? Yes.
Is it something I'll ever read again?  Yes, but probably only aloud to my children someday.

It's an old book, published way back in 1838, so the diction and writing style are old-fashioned. Amazingly, though, many of its deeper sentiments rang true with me and I was touched many times over with the moral of the story- Love One Another. Forgiveness, compassion and understanding are also pushed forward as things we all should aspire to.

Dickens did a wonderful job with the characters. Their descriptions make them so vivid. The villians make you cringe, the comic characters make you chuckle, and my oh my the good characters are almost too saccharine sweet. But that's why it makes a good children's book. It teaches valuable lessons and because the difference between good and bad is so obvious, there's no doubt for the reader as to which path she should take in her own life.

Two thumbs up.


La Toya said...

You know, for a minute there I totally thought you were serious about the 396 hours!!! Bwahahah!

How cool that a book written so long ago could be so relevant in modern times!! I haven't read Oliver Twist but I would like to!!

Thanks for being awesome and doing my challenge hehehe. Also, I deleted the other link you posted! No worries!

La Toya

La Toya said...

This is so funny because I came back to your page to see if you were still writing and then i read this post. I reacted the same way I did 3 yrs ago but looked down at the comments and said to myself "I bet *I'm* the person who commented" LOL.